How to get from Cusco to Pisac
cusco to pisac

How to get from Cusco to Pisac. Sevelar travelers wonder how to get from Cusco to Pisac, and for this you have two options. One is by private transport and the other by public transport. The trip from Cusco to Pisac will be approximately 45 minutes from the city of Cusco.

Pisac is located 34 km from Cusco and is part of the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Where you have the option to visit the ruins of Pisac and the international market of Pisac.

Cusco to Pisac

Private Transport: One of the options to opt for a private transport is that they will pick you up from the hotel / Cusco Airport or from the address you indicate to later take you to Pisac (Indicate address). The trip will last between 40 minutes to 50 minutes, everything will depend on the traffic in the city.

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Public transport. To opt for this option you must go to Calle Puputi S/N and the price ranges from 5 to 10 soles per person. By opting for this service, the trip can last from 50 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes, it will depend a lot on the stops you will make along the way and the traffic in the city.

Other ways to get to Pisac

Tour to Pisac (Sacred Valley of the Incas): An excellent option would be a tour where you can visit Pisac, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero. This tour is known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas tour and starts from Cusco at around 7:00 AM

Private tour to Pisac: One of the best options would be by private tour, where you can visit Pisac, Pisac Market and add some tourist attraction of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the advantage here is that you can start at the time you want . The main places of the Sacred Valley of the Incas are: Ollantaytambo, Salinera de Maras, Andenes de Moray and Chinchero.

transport pisac

Route Cusco to Pisac